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Fairplay Zlamane


Rekomendowane odpowiedzi

Jak widac na ponizszym zalaczniku Appleowski DRM ktos pieknie rozpracowal...


The purpose of the Hymn Project is to allow you to exercise your fair-use rights under copyright law. The various software provided on this web site allows you to free your iTunes Music Store purchases (protected AAC / .m4p) from their DRM restrictions with no loss of sound quality. These songs can then be played outside of the iTunes environment, even on operating systems not supported by iTunes and on hardware not supported by Apple.


Why use Hymn Project software?


* To decrypt your iTunes protected AAC files so that they can be played on operating systems for which no official version of iTunes exists, such as Linux.

* To use non-Apple AAC-capable hardware to play your music.

* To eliminate the five computer limit imposed by iTunes.

* To make archival backups of your music.

* As the first step in converting your music from protected AAC to MP3, Ogg, or your other favorite audio file format, for use with your non-iPod portable audio player.

* To demonstrate your belief in the principles of fair-use under copyright law.

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