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T 10 Ciągle Mtp


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Przeglądałam forum już 1000 razy i nie znalazłam odpowiedzi dlaczego mój xp ciągle widzi T 10 jako mtp. Ze strony ściągnęłam firmware updater, teraz mam wersję: 1,77P, próbowałam przerobić na UMS i wszystko niby jest OK ale ciągle po restarcie mam mtp. Windows widzi playerka jako mtp a iriver plus 3 nic nie widzi :( W sumie całą procedurę zrobiłam tylko aby móc sortować te cholerne pliki. Mało tego po tej całej aktualizacji nie mam tego fajnego wygaszacza ekranu z tą laseczką co się gibie w lewo i w prawo :)


Bardzo proszę o jakąkolwiek pomoc, bo jak narazie zostaje mi tylko na nowo wgrywać wszystkie pliki. Acha sprzęcik mam T-10/1GB/EU bez FM. Sprzęt został zakupiony 3 lata temu.




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Czesc! Nigdzie na forum nie znalazlem odpowiedzi jak zmienic firmware w 1.77mtp na 1.77ums.

Problem zostal jednak rozwiazany.



Problem SOLVED!!! My T10 is now UMS

I have a T10 512, and I had the same problem as many described here. I would copy a firmware file to the device, and after I unplugged the cable, it would do nothing.


I discovered that the iriver firmware updater program has an option marked "Recovery". That process (which reinstalls the current MTP version), does cause the player to update. So I ran the "recovery" and then (before unplugging) looked at the files on the player using Windows explorer. I found 2 files: T10_MTP.HEX and T10_MTP2.HEX. So it needs 2 files for the update to happen.


Then I ran the updater and did "switch" to UMS, and it put T10_MTP.HEX on the player. I then copied the (previously saved) T10_MTP2.HEX to the "Data" folder on the player using Windows explorer. After unplugging, the update happened, and I now have a UMS T10 at v1.7.7.


Step-by-step instructions:


1. Run the iriver firmware updater, and choose "recovery". Let it run up to the point where it tells you to unplug the cable. Then open Windows explorer and save the two ".HEX" files to a folder called "MTP". Then delete them off the player.

2. Unplug the cable and exit the updater program.

3. Re-plug the cable and start the updater program. This time choose "switch to UMS" and let it run up to the point where it tells you to unplug the cable. Then open Windows explorer and copy the previously saved fileT10_MTP2.HEX to the "Data" folder on the player. Watch the player and make sure "Transferring ..." has finished. Then unplug the cable.

4. The player should now go through a firmware update.


Apparently something's wrong in the firmware database on the iriver website, and it doesn't tell the iriver firmware updater software to copy both files to the player when switching to UMS, so nothing happens. My guess is that the 2nd file is a loader program. If someone wants to tell them, go ahead. It would be nice if their software actually worked.


Hope this works as well for you and it has for me. I am once again a happy iriver customer!!





Caly watek -tutaj




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To takie trudne??? :blink:


Musimy miec 1.77Mtp oraz posiadac iriver firmware updater (IFU) -stad. Nastepnie:

1. Run the iriver firmware updater, and choose "recovery". Let it run up to the point where it tells you to unplug the cable. Then open Windows explorer and save the two ".HEX" files to a folder called "MTP". Then delete them off the player.

2. Unplug the cable and exit the updater program.

3. Re-plug the cable and start the updater program. This time choose "switch to UMS" and let it run up to the point where it tells you to unplug the cable. Then open Windows explorer and copy the previously saved fileT10_MTP2.HEX to the "Data" folder on the player. Watch the player and make sure "Transferring ..." has finished. Then unplug the cable.

4. The player should now go through a firmware update



1. Uruchamiamy IFU i wybieramy opcje recovery. W momencie kiedy pojawia sie prosba o odpiecie odtwarzacza - za pomoca Windows Explorer kopiujemy

dwa pliki .HEX na swoj dysk. Kasujemy je z odtwarzacza.

2.Odpinamy kabel i opuszczamy instalator. T10 restartuje bez aktualizacji.

3.Podpinamy odtwarzacz. tym razem wybieramy opcje "switch to UMS". W momencie kiedy pojawia sie prosba o odpiecie uruchamiamy Explorer

i kopiujemy, wczesniej zapisany, plik T10_MTP2.HEX do katalogu Dane/Data. Odpinamy kabel.

4.T10 restartuje i przechodzi aktualizacje.



To wszystko :)


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