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When choosing a car, new laptop, and audio gear, the subjective side matters. It’s not all numbers. Things like ease of use, aesthetics, and build quality are all important. When it comes to the sound of different speakers and headphones, subjective opinions are often what matter most. Are you a basshead, like it bright and detailed, laid back, or as accurate as possible? I’m not trying to dispute subjective preferences. If you like the sound of tube gear, even if it measures poorly, that’s your business. If it puts a smile on your face that’s what matters most. And some buy high-end gear for the quality, looks, status, etc. My concern is misleading objective data, objective claims with no basis in reality, marketing “pseudo-science”, and when the line between subjective and objective is intentionally blurred.


cytat z bloga Nwavguy'a :)




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